Pakistan Paper

Delivering you reports which fail to make it to the press

Friday, September 11, 2009

What Really Happened On 9/11

By Lonnie Randall

What does the war in Afghanistan and Iraq have to do with 911?
It is suppose to be a war on terrorism.

Would you regard someone who just killed your family as a benevolent liberator? Wouldn’t you rather despise them? This would be fertile ground for the growth of terrorism. When you indiscriminately bomb cities, killing and maiming tens of thousands of people who had nothing to do with 911, the survivors will become people who hate you. When you round up people in a dragnet and ship them off to torture them, what you get is people who will say anything you want to hear to get you to stop hurting them, and you turn them and their families into people who hate you. A logically thinking person knows this.

The only way for the supposed war on terror to work is to kill everyone, then there will be no one left to hate you.
The Bush administration is not so clueless that they didn’t know this. It is as if the war was designed to create more enemies and more terrorism. Calling it a war on terror is their way of getting us to support the looting of foriegn countries. Money is power. Jesus said, “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Evil is not a fruit of the Spirit. These people are all heavily invested in the defense industry and the oil industry. They give their own companies no-bid defense contracts. They have stolen the resources of two countries and have their sights on Iran. If they don’t have conflicts of interest, no one ever has. Marvin Bush, George W.'s younger brother, was director of Securacom/Stratesec (likely a CIA front), a company that ran security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines and Dulles International Airport. That is an unbelievable coincidence. Ask yourself who had the motive and the opportunity and what is the root of all evil.

Another motive was the implementation of a police state which they euphemistically call Homeland Security so we will feel warm and fuzzy about it, including U.S.A. Patriot Act I and II, The Intelligence Reform Act and The Military Commissions Act all designed to destroy the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our freedom. Destroy our freedom is the very thing the President told us the “terrorists” were trying to do. It appears they are succeeding. So who had more to gain from the attacks of 911, Al-Qaeda or the new world order Neocons?

They told us 9-11 happened because we were unprepared. They said we never considered the possibility of terrorists hijacking jetliners and using them as weapons. This excuse was a lie. It came out later that NORAD, the Pentagon, the CIA, and various other federal agencies, during the two years prior to 9-11, were running drills precisely about hijackers flying planes into buildings, implicating the Clinton administration as well. On the very morning of September 11, 2001 they were running drills of over twenty scenarios of hijacked planes crashing into buildings. One scenario was the World Trade Center and another the Pentagon. That is another incredible coincidence.

NORAD, the North American Air Defense Command, has been protecting America from such possibilities as 9-11 for over fifty years. Why did it fail on that day? The very drills that were supposed to train them to protect us were what prevented them from being able to protect us. The drills were a diversion. For two years, NORAD was mentally conditioned and on 9-11, they saw everything that was happening as part of the drills. Due to confusion from all of the false blips on the radar, they were unable to distinguish the drills from real life. Someone was pulling those strings, and it was not some crazy bearded Arab living in a cave in Afghanistan.

In 1999, pro golfer Payne Stewart and five companions left Orlando, Florida on a Lear jet bound for Dallas, Texas. Four hours later, it crashed in a field in South Dakota. Within minutes of take off, the Lear jet began to veer off course and air traffic controllers were unable to contact the pilot. NORAD was immediately contacted (standard procedure) and F-16s were scrambled. Within minutes of the Lear jets take off, F-16s had caught up with it. During the year prior to 9-11, NORAD had scrambled 67 times for various air traffic infractions. What does this have to do with 9-11?

Why were there no planes scrambled on 9-11 until after the third plane hit the Pentagon? The first plane that hit the World Trade Center had been off course for well over an hour before the last plane hit the Pentagon. Where was our air defense? We all should have asked these questions instead of blindly accepting whatever they tell us.

“The first thing that went through my mind was, Is this part of the exercise? Is this some kind of screw up?”
Major Larry Arnold
NORAD commander

As the drills were a diversion, the airplanes were also a diversion. The planes did not take down the Twin Towers. The planes were for shock value, to take your mind off the fact that there were demolition charges already planted in the buildings. The Twin Towers did not collapse as is hypnotically repeated. The buildings were professionally imploded. The 110-story twin towers exploded, pulverized, dissintegrated into dust floor by floor from the top down and came down in ten seconds or less for each building. That is eleven floors per second. Can you clap your hands eleven times in one second?

World Trade Center Seven, a 47-story building a block away from WTCs 1 and 2, was never hit by a plane yet it inexplicably collapsed at 5:20 on the afternoon of the same day, falling in seven seconds straight down into its own footprint just like a controlled demolition. Ask yourself why the BBC jumped the gun and reported that building 7 had collapsed twenty minutes before it actually did, while the building was still visible in the background behind the reporter.

And what about flight 93 which came down in Pennsylvania? It’s likely target would have been World Trade Center 7. Witnesses on the ground in Pennsylvania will tell you it exploded in the sky and the debris was scattered over an eight mile area. That is why they had no good excuse for building 7 coming down. Their excuse was shot down. Larry Silverstein, the lease holder of the World Trade Center complex, lied and said that the fire department commander and he “made that decision to pull." Many people believe he was using a demolition term for bringing down the building. What do you think?

Common sense and logic are the only resources you need to decide that 911 was an inside job. All you need to know is that three skyscrapers in NYC came down at the speed of gravity, defying the laws of physics and conservation of motion. One of them was not even hit. It is impossible for floor after floor to crash through the one below it without slowing the momentum of the collapse. According to physics, the collapses should have taken minutes not seconds. That could only happen if there was a force working ahead of the collapse to cut the mass out of the way. The logical conclusion is explosives and an inside job. You don’t need and expert to help you figure that out. When you compound all of the other evidence of an inside job on top of that, the conclusion is inescapable. There are too many coincidences to accommodate the laws of probability and too many unanswered questions. We all believe in a 911 conspiracy theory.The question is, which one do you believe, the one featuring Osama Been Forgotten and plastic knives or one substantiated by facts?

We know that Osama Bin Laden at least did exist and he was used in much the same way as Goldstein. They gave us the perfect Disneyesque villain to fill our imaginations - complete with turban, beard and flowing robes. He certainly is a slippery character. I think he has magical powers like Jafar in Aladdin. He just disappears.

And where did Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction go anyway? Well, they were destroyed in the early 1990’s after the first gulf war. Where did they come from in the first place? Well, they were given to them before, during and after the Iran-Iraq war (1980 - 1988). Iran was also fighting with American arms which we gave them during the tenure of the Shah and after. Remember Iran-Contra? I guess the joke was on them…divide, conquer and we pick up the pieces. How Iran, Iraq, ironic!

Try to extend your focus beyond the particulars, and focus on the big picture. That is what they do. They aren’t concerned with what they can accomplish in Iraq with 20,000 more troops. They are plotting the demise of Iran and beyond.
Source: TGS911

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